National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) is one of the 31 institutions of national importance governed by the NIT Act 2007 and is fully funded by the Government of India. Originally established in 1961 as a Regional Engineering College (REC), it was transformed into a National Institute of Technology in the year 2002. The institute offers bachelors, masters and doctoral degree programme in Engineering, Science, Technology and Management. With its proactive collaborations with a multitude of research organizations, academic institutions and industries, the institute has set a new style for its functioning under the NIT regime. The Institute is presently offering 11 UG programme and thirty PG programme along with Ph.D. programme in various fields of Engineering, Science Technology and Management;
Department of Mechanical Engineering is the largest and one of the oldest departments in the Institute. It offers two undergraduate and six postgraduate programmes apart from Ph.D. programmes in diverse specializations. It also offers a number of short term/continuing education programmes. It is a DST- FIST sponsored department and recently DST has sanctioned Rs 251 lakhs under FIST scheme to set up a Centre for Precision Measurements and Nanomechanical Testing
About Advanced Manufacturing Centre
Advanced Manufacturing Centre in the department is one of the finest facilities available in manufacturing. The major equipments available include, 3D Optical Profilometer, Nanoindenter, 3 axis Integrated Multipurpose Micro Machining Centre, 5 axis CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine, CNC Machining Centres, CNC EDM Machines, Additive Manufacturing Machines, High-Speed Camera, Thermal Imager, Six component, and Mini Dynamometers, etc. A fully fledged CAD/CAM Centre with a dozen of popular industry relevant software is working round the clock. Metrology Laboratory with the state of the art facilities is also available.
Advanced Manufacturing Centre at National Institute of Technology Calicut houses modern machining facilities listed below:
With the support of MHRD, DST-FIST and TEQIP funding by Govt. of India, Advanced Manufacturing Centre offers theory and practical courses/research in these emerging areas. Various Doctoral and Master level research works in micromachining and rapid prototyping are undergoing at Advance Manufacturing Centre. Students of UG, PG and PhD are doing projects in manufacturing technology laboratories utilizing these facilities in an extensive manner, which helps them to familiarize with the latest developments in manufacturing technology.